Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Self Introduction

Hi Guys,

My name is Juan Gonzalez. I apologize for just now starting the blog. As you can probably infer from my tardiness, I'm completely ignorant of technology. In fact, I had to get direct step by step help from Dr. Wang just to get started. This is in fact the first online class that I take. Hopefully, the class will alleviate my fear of technology and allow me to enhance my teaching abilities.

Currently, I'm working at Petal High School as an English Teacher. In the past, I've worked as a family engagement and education specialist in Athens, Georgia--where I lived for eleven years and from where I graduated with a Comparative Lit. degree.

I will, however, mention that I have used Microsoft office and am familiar with the basic elements behind it--such as powerpoint, word, Access, and excel. Of course, I'm also familiar with listservs and, as evidenced by this, with email. Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with blogs, podcast, discussion board, and video clips.


Chris Harper said...

Hey, Juan. My name is Chris Harper, and let me welcome you to the boards! I am a math teacher at the Picayune Alternative school. I am the high school math teacher there, so I teach everything from Pre Algebra to upper division mathematics, depending on the need. Do not worry about the late start, we are pleased to have you among us. Ask us if you have any questions. Also, welcome to group 3!

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Juan! I'm Gina (a fellow Group 3 member). I'd be glad to help you with anything you need if I can. Looks like you've got the hang of it though!